Individual intelligence is no longer enough


The only way to tackle complex problems is to harness the power of COGNITIVE DIVERSITY and CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE in a PSYCHOLOGICALLY SAFE environment.


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Cognitive diversity has been defined as differences in perspective or information processing styles. It is the deep layer of diversity that is not predicted
by factors such as gender, ethnicity, or age. A high degree of cognitive diversity could generate accelerated learning and performance in the face of new, uncertain, and complex situations if it is combined with the number one trait of high-performing teams, psychological safety.

So the question is, how do you establish and maintain psychological safety with a cognitively diverse group?

Cognitive diversity has the greatest potential for success or liability

Research shows cognitive diversity can be an antidote to ‘group think’, leading to better problem-solving, especially in complex business scenarios. Team members that are cognitively diverse have a unique advantage when working through problems, approaching change, processing information, and performing in complex situations. Even if your team members are seemingly diverse, their thinking styles may not be. Think of it as a type of “invisible diversity.” Measuring and leveraging those differences is the competitive advantage in today's VUCA world. ICQ Global is one of the world's leading experts in helping clients measure, visualise and leverage cognitive diversity.

Thinking differently: the benefits of cognitive diversity


Cognitive diversity is a new perspective on a familiar topic. It’s an often overlooked aspect of diversity. Cognitive diversity is about cultivating and embracing a team with a difference in perspectives and information processing styles.



Cognitive diversity can comprise four distinct dimensions.

1. Diverse perspectives: people have different ways of representing situations and problems. They see the set of possibilities confronting them differently.


2. Diverse interpretations: people put things into different categories and classifications.


3. Diverse heuristics: People have different ways of generating solutions to problems. Some people like to talk through their thinking about problems; others prefer to write the solutions first and then talk.


4. Diverse predictive models: Some people analyse a situation. Others may look for the story that lies behind it.



Global DISC seamlessly integrates the most researched models with the latest business data into a proven, practical framework to measure the cognitive diversity index of a group and the mindset gap between individuals, groups or countries.

It is the only 21st century, ICF accredited, multi award-winning portfolio of solutions explaining how personality type AND cultural background influence all 3 layers of  identity, WHAT, HOW and WHY people do act, feel and think the way they do.

Find out how we can help you unlock the potential of your team by measuring, visualising and leveraging their diversity and psychological safety. 

If you are a coach or trainer who want to offer the latest, multi award-winning solutions designed for 21. century challenges, get in touch and join our global network of licensed partners. 

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